Shelley's Use of Nature in His Poems - Witarty

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Shelley's Use of Nature in His Poems

Percy Bysshe Shelley, the Revolutionary poet of English Romantic Period, uses nature as a vehicle of his progressive belief and regeneration. He, in the poem "Ode to the West Wind", considers it as a brilliant pressure of nature that can both damage and create. The wind also symbolizes 'the despair and wish' and 'the dying and rebirth'.

In the first phase of the poem "Ode to the West Wind", we discover an imagery of dying I which all leaves are pushed away via the Wind as like as ghosts. As the poet says:

"O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,"

Here the West Wind symbolizes the Death or Destroy.

In the very next imagery, we find the West Wind as a symbol of berth because it preserves the seeds via driving them underground till they germinate and fill the hills and plains with "living shades and odours".

In the second one phase of the poem, the strong impact of the West Wind at the sky is described.

In the 0.33 Shelley describes the commotion that the West Wind creates of the surface and the intensity of the ocean.

In the fourth section, the poet transforms the poem from the sector of nature to the world of humanity. Here he very skillfully connects three symbols from the character, leaf, cloud and wave, in a knot. As the poet says:

"If I have been a lifeless leaf thou mightest bear;
If I were a quick cloud to fly with thee;
A wave to pant below thy power, and share"

Again, the poet invokes the Wind, the exquisite strength of nature, in his won lifestyles and asks the Wind to regenerate him from the melancholy. He wants to percentage the impulse of the West Wind and raise him above the painful and miserable situation. As he says:

"Oh! Elevate me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!
I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!"

In the very last section of the poem, Shelley wants to regenerate the complete humanity by means of using the progressive energy of the Wind. He wants the Wind blow over him and fill him with indomitable electricity that he desires to exchange the arena. The poet desires to expel vain custom and conference as the Wind destroys the antique and dead leaves. The important sprite of the Wind represents the sprite of the reformation. The poet wishes to develop new buds in spring.

"Drive my useless mind over the universe
Like withered leaves to quicken a new beginning!"

Shelley believes that the regeneration usually follows the destruction. As he knows the more night time becomes deep, the more morning becomes close. So his poem "Ode to the West Wind" ends with the identical expectation of regeneration.

"If Winter comes, can Spring be some distance behind?"

In his poem "Adonais" we additionally locate using nature. Adonais has a exquisite love for beauties of nature and so the powers of nature come to mourn over his demise. When Adonais is killed with an arrow, shot within the darkness, his mom Urania, the sprite of the poem, is not through his facet. Urania cries and kisses the useless frame of Adonais. The poet also joins also in that mourning. By using nature, Shelley's pain over Keats demise becomes well-known and sublime.
Besides, inside the poem "To Skylark" and Ozymandias" we find the incredible use of herbal items.

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