The Solutions of Energy Shortage in Pakistan - Witarty

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Solutions of Energy Shortage in Pakistan

competency Shortage instanter is a global crisis for many countries in the creative activity including Pakistan. Pakistan, one of the high rapid engenderment developing countries now is in the worst pushing crisis in its history (Kazmi, 2013). The high speed change magnitude of its economy and population absolutely demand a large muscle supply, however the problem is that the storage of the slide fastener of the country now flowerpot hardly supply the hearty countrys postal code usage. As AOL News said Car owns wait for hours to curtail petrol and gas, cities and villages atomic number 18 pauperisationiness of electricity for many hours per day, homes shadow hardly cook with aside gas.The post is becoming more(prenominal) and more serious in the whole country. Actually, Pakistans energy deficit crisis can be tracked back to the nineties ( Kugelman, 2013) and in the 1970s, the energy crisis was averted once be spring of the Mangla and Tarbela dams. However, the s trong economic growth ask a large mount of energy no matter how natural energy resources do Pakistan have, it is hard to satisfy the so ared consumption of energy. For figuring out the frank bases of energy crisis in Pakistan, wed better to know the do and causes of the crisis.It is very obviously to see that the impact of the energy crisis in Pakistan is prankish for almost everywhere during the country economic, educational, political and etc. As Chung (2013) mentioned, because the lack of electricity, numerous business and factories have to reduce 20 to 25% of their productivity, and the answer of this can be really bad such as citizens are losing jobs, children are losing their education opportunities and factories are losing their foreign markets and clients, even worse, it may buy the farm economic slowdown or economic contraction on Pakistan.On the early(a) hand, Pakistan relies on the compressed natural gas (CNG) most and this is an important cause that leads the e nergy shortage crisis directly on Pakistan. Because the population is change magnitude so fast, no matter how a great deal gas the judicature has purchased in, its compose hard to supply CNG for the whole country, also the negative impact of this is that at that places a inflation on the price of CNG. Besides, according to Leung (2013), the brass plays an important role in this crisis.The poor managements of the government makes a jackpot of problems in Pakistan such as the government realized the problem but it didnt take any action to solve the problem, the worse is, the government even made the problems worse. Government always spent coin on wrong ways but not to spend the most of money on solving the energy crisis at last, it seems that government can simply make a ration of energy and owe much more money, but this obviously cannot solve the problem and it will keep increasing burden on the citizens.Hence, for solving the serious energy shortage problem, what could be t he possible settlements and what solutions can truly solve the problem permanently or temporarily? One thing now can be convinced(predicate) is that for solving the energy crisis, Pakistan will require political will, additional funding, and youthful motive-generation sources etc. (Kugelman, 2013). One short-term solution as Kugelman (2013) pointed out that Pakistan could need a youthful loan from International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, merely how much will this solution work, it seems that Pakistan now is not willing to get help from IMF at least after the springs elections.In early(a) words, because of the possible political influence from IMF, its hard for Pakistan to get new fund from IMF as for now. It means even get loan from IMF is unplayful solution in the additional fund way, its not a happy solution for the governments political will. However, actually for the Pakistans situation, even the government doesnt ask IMF for fund help, its as yet necessary and bett er to get economic help as currently as possible because even the government itself cannot pay all power bills.New fund can also help Pakistan to import more energy for supplying the demand for a while. Except the new fund, shifting the energy resource to some other one is also a good solution for Pakistan. For this, char energy seems like the best choice to instead of CNG for Pakistan. Considering Pakistans economy situation, like Ebrahim (2012) mentioned, many experts think coal is the alternative for Pakistan because Pakistan cannot apply to be romantic.Hydropower depends on water so its seasonally, oil is as well as expensive, only importing abundant coal is viable because coal is much more cheaper than oil and its non-seasonally. However, although coal energy is a long solution for Pakistan to solve the energy problem, it is also a long-term vilify for the global environment (Chung, 2013). In this way, Pakistan needs to consider how to balance the solution of the current problem and the cause of the potential crisis in the future. Hopefully coal energy wont be a dilemma for Pakistan in the future.Meanwhile, besides coal energy, another long-term solution for Pakistan now is to develop more cacography plants to supply electricity. According to Kazmi (2013), Pakistan has the potential to get electricity from start plants across the country especially in rural areas. scratch line mills only use low bagasse to heat boilers moreover, sugar can also produce ethanol for motor gasoline. This means, if Pakistan starts to use large sugar to be an energy row-material, then it will be helpful for Pakistan to contain oil imports and CNG (Kazmi, 2013).The advantages of sugar are obviously it can provide Pakistan another new chance to change the situation in a good way, and maybe the only problem for this solution for Pakistan is how to get more places for plant sugar. In general, like Kugelman (2013) mentioned, Pakistans energy problems are deep and complex, and sometimes the crisis is not only about Pakistan itself, other countries could be involved in the problems thus, for getting better understand of the problem and better solutions for the problem, we still need to find more information. However, as for now about Pakistan, the energy shortage crisis is becoming worse and worse.The impacts of the crisis are negative people in Pakistan now have a very hard and challenging life, economy may suspend or even reverse, government can hardly tick off the situation etc. So far, due to Pakistans complex situation, sugar seems like the best solution for Pakistan to solve the problem, its cheap and slack to get, it can provide both gas and electricity energy for the whole country, and it can help government to balance the imports and the fund during the crisis. Hopefully, Pakistan could solve the energy shortage crisis and change its hard situation peacefully and quickly.

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