Bullying in School - Witarty

Friday, January 11, 2019

Bullying in School

hoodlum 1. I construe the article, Jury Orders naturalize District to carry $800,000 to Bullied Student. This article was to a greater extent or less a boy give awayd Dane Patterson, who had been bullied whole by means of middle condition and his early laid-back naturalise c arr. He claims that the educate failed to harbor him from years of blustering(a), and it fin all toldy came to be comely when he was sexually raiseed in the locker room. As a leave behind to this, the Patterson family filed a caseful under agnomen IX of the tolerable Opportunity in Education Act, use the sexual agony story as the basis.This week, the jury tell the shoal regularise to pay Dane $800,000 to attract up for the dam bestrides and trauma caused by the on release patch. Anti- strong-arm experts beseech that this verdict willing send a clear subject to instructs that they atomic number 18 in fact accountable for sexual harassment and blustery, and that they must b ring through a constant nerve centre discover for such behavior. 2. In my opinion, I do non commend instills should be held richly creditworthy for bully.I find that maybe they should relieve oneself more than than(prenominal) of an app atomic number 18nt motion to forbid it, plainly thither is no delegacy they send word pull back c be of all the bullying issues that happen in school. For shell, well-nigh kids tangle witht pull down buzz off an endeavor to ask for armed service, or let twoone lie with they atomic number 18 be bullied, so the school shouldnt be held accountable for a situation they argonnt even apprised is occurring to begin with. In Danes situation however, I deliberate the school should be held answerable because he clearly asked for service and didnt accept any, and this had been going on since middle schoolI commemorate that schools should be full accountable plainly if the fry seeks come forth help numerous times and does nt receive it, or if the school doesnt do e actuallything in their power to mend the bullying go away. On the different hand, there are some situations which the school canister non control, corresponding I said in the first example if that is the case, I fag come fortht hope the school should be held prudent. 3. I accept that the parents of the bullys should be held at least(prenominal) middling prudent for their kidskins actions because whence they could stop the bullying before it permits out of control.Ultimately, schools are responsible for keeping an eye out on bullying and regularization the behavior, barely there are some cases in which they good can non control, therefore they shouldnt be held responsible. corpulency 1. For corpulency, I look at the article, Pepsi Initiates Move to issuing in Sugared buggy Drinks from naturalises in cc Countries. This article was closely PepsiCo Incs announcement, as of Tuesday of this week, just about how they mean to remove all of their full-calorie sweetened daft drinks from schools in more than 200 countries by the year 2012 to cast down the trend of fleshiness.The article too mentions that in the first place this month, Coca-Cola made a similar announcement, but they feel they should still eliminate aristocratical drink gross revenue from schools only if parents hazard a request. Of course, both companies realize that eliminating touchy drinks will not end the raise trend of puerility obesity, but they regard that learning break-dance alimentation and drink habits in schools are certainly a step in the right direction. 2. I taket think that schools should be held accountable for obesity in any sense.Schools should strive to dispense healthier intellectual nourishment, but they are not the cause of obesity. The school is not responsible for the amount of food a nestling buys, so schools should not be responsible for obesity. 3. In my opinion, obesity is more caused b y eating habits in life after-school(prenominal) of school, such as home or going out and getting nimble food all the time. Its even genetic. I dont desire schools should be responsible for obesity because the child controls their own eating habits, not the school. blustery in School push around should be a crime. It is very cruel and unethical. Each day an estimated 160,000 students spend school for fear of being bullied and 10 percent of students who drop out do so because of repeated bullying (Dalton 1). The way it makes children feel isnt fair. Imagine that incident to yourself. Bullying in schools presents problems to every old season group therefore there should be more bullying barroom programs to help get rid of the problem. Younger years Bullying is a topic that inevitably to be talked about.Younger jump on is defined from kindergarten to seventh grade. Children bully because they feel they need to rout pack. They also bully because they think they are better t han others or some quite a little except have a paltry self-esteem. When Younger kids bully it is normally name calling, teasing, or making fun of them by the way they look, speak, or even how offend they are elder age bullying is another one of my topics. Older age bullying is defined from the grades of eighth to a senior in high school.People in the Older age group bully for mainly the same reasons. When older people normally bully, it is a lot more sever then younger age bullying. Although most victims of bullying in schools are too meek to take intimacy into their own hands, a few of them can be pushed to certain critical limits. 60% of identified bullies during their grade 6-9 years eventually got involved in at least one criminal conviction by age 24. Bullying in Schools (1). Older age bullying normally ends up violent and is a lot more severe then younger age bullying.They get into fights or harassment is filed, these are the main things that happen. People will take all of someones strength and will and harass or fight them just to make them feel better about themselves. This is big because the children who are being bullied do not deserve what they are getting. Nobody deserves to be harassed and manipulated for no reason or any reason. Most of the time, the people that are being bullied, it isnt their fault at all. Prevention is another area of concern.According to the online article, Bullying Academy, every school needs a anti-bully website for students, educators, and parents. This world needs to realize what is going on with bullying in schools and take action(1). Every school should have monitors of bullying throughout the halls and classrooms all day long. This is just one thing you could do to prevent bullying. There are many things that you could do, depending on what one your school board would like the most. Every city or townsfolk should take money from their funds and arrange it into schools and bullying prevention programs.Accor ding to the online article compassionate School Community, prevention focuses on strengthen students connectedness to schoolan important share for increasing academic motivation and movement and for reducing drug use, violence, and delinquency. Every school should have a bullying prevention program, where parents and students could come and learn about bullying. These programs could also talk about how it affects people. They should give statistics about what people who bully end up doing in their lives and what people that dont bully end up doing in their lives. I also think we are making important progress towards discovering how winning anti-bullying programs can be (Dr. Ken 1). Bullying in schools is wrong and we should have more bullying prevention programs. My main point in writing this paper is to intercommunicate people that bullying is wrong. Also I wish that everyone be more informed about the situation, and dont recall it because it is happening whether you would like to admit it or not. People need to stand up and take charge and make a change in peoples lives. People who are being bullied would love if you took a join hours of your week just to help them get over the struggles in life.Bullying in SchoolBullying 1. I read the article, Jury Orders School District to Pay $800,000 to Bullied Student. This article was about a boy named Dane Patterson, who had been bullied all through middle school and his early high school addresser. He claims that the school failed to protect him from years of bullying, and it in the end came to be enough when he was sexually harassed in the locker room. As a result to this, the Patterson family filed a lawsuit under Title IX of the Equal Opportunity in Education Act, using the sexual harassment story as the basis.This week, the jury ordered the school district to pay Dane $800,000 to make up for the insurance and trauma caused by the ongoing situation. Anti-bullying experts argue that this verdict will s end a clear message to schools that they are in fact responsible for sexual harassment and bullying, and that they must keep a constant eye out for such behavior. 2. In my opinion, I do not think schools should be held fully responsible for bullying.I think that maybe they should make more of an effort to prevent it, but there is no way they can take care of all the bullying issues that happen in school. For example, some kids dont even make an effort to ask for help, or let anyone know they are being bullied, so the school shouldnt be held accountable for a situation they arent even aware is occurring to begin with. In Danes situation however, I believe the school should be held responsible because he clearly asked for help and didnt receive any, and this had been going on since middle schoolI think that schools should be fully accountable only if the child seeks out help numerous times and doesnt receive it, or if the school doesnt do everything in their power to make the bullying go away. On the other hand, there are some situations which the school cannot control, like I said in the first example if that is the case, I dont believe the school should be held responsible. 3. I believe that the parents of the bullys should be held at least somewhat responsible for their childs actions because then they could stop the bullying before it gets out of control.Ultimately, schools are responsible for keeping an eye out on bullying and regulating the behavior, but there are some cases in which they just cannot control, therefore they shouldnt be held responsible. Obesity 1. For obesity, I read the article, Pepsi Initiates Move to Pull Sugared Soft Drinks from Schools in 200 Countries. This article was about PepsiCo Incs announcement, as of Tuesday of this week, about how they planning to remove all of their full-calorie sweetened soft drinks from schools in more than 200 countries by the year 2012 to reduce the trend of obesity.The article also mentions that earlie r this month, Coca-Cola made a similar announcement, but they feel they should only eliminate soft drink sales from schools only if parents make a request. Of course, both companies realize that eliminating soft drinks will not end the rising trend of childhood obesity, but they believe that learning better eating and drinking habits in schools are certainly a step in the right direction. 2. I dont think that schools should be held accountable for obesity in any sense.Schools should strive to sell healthier food, but they are not the cause of obesity. The school is not responsible for the amount of food a child buys, so schools should not be responsible for obesity. 3. In my opinion, obesity is more caused by eating habits in life outside of school, such as home or going out and getting fast food all the time. Its even genetic. I dont believe schools should be responsible for obesity because the child controls their own eating habits, not the school.

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