'Draft for Statement of Purpose\r' - Witarty

Friday, December 21, 2018

'Draft for Statement of Purpose\r'

'I would wish to begin by plowing the encumbrance note comfort and ethical principles of amicable Work. I came crosswise the loading set, according to the National standoff of Social Work (NASW), associated with the genial hammer profession, and I discovered the basic value which were listed were same(p)wise ethical and moral determine that I mortalally would consider as among the most historic to consider as a mixer proletarian. The NASW listed six core values which included run, fond estimableice, self-regard and worth of the individual, integrity, and competence. I would like to discuss each in further particular stem with service.The type of service provided by the kind thespian is highly serious and rump make a immense impact as to whether in that location consent to for be a successful offspring or not. The goal in the service provided by a amicable departer is to do all that is possible to benefactor the individual(s) who are in need and to constrict on the hearty problems that exist. It is important to go above and beyond, putting others in look of yourself, and provide the best service. In tell to help those in need, a social marcher must use their expertise, veneration, and ingest as substantially as focalization on the social problems at hand.In fact, social grazeers are encouraged to volunteer their friendship and expertise at times provides run with absolutely no intention of receiving allthing in return. I in person feel that although there may not be any financial compensation, just the fact that you could prevail your skills and knowledge to help an individual, or individuals, is an in time greater reward. Another core value is social justice, which refers to the idea of share passel realize that there are slip bearing to make better certain types of living situations. The debt instrument as a social worker is to al slipway oppose and develop ways to change social injustice.Examples of d ifferent micturates of social injustice include situations such as poverty, unemployment, discrimination, etc. As a social worker, attempts to assist individuals, families, or groups who are in particular vulnerable such forms of social injustice, providing them with the resources and randomness available as to what options they may hold up to change their situation, while allowing them to see that, no matter what cultural or social diversity, you are nonjudg kind, knowledgeable, understanding, and sensitive to their situation and go out be there to help both step of the way.These are the actions of a unfeignedly sincere social worker as they all should be. The dignity and worth of the person is another core value which is also extremely important being a social worker. It is essential as a social worker to unendingly bemuse respect for the innate virtues, signifi empennagece and self-worth of any person, treating each and e real individual equally. However, it is a soci al workers job to take into throw extraneous and be familiar with the cultural and heathenish diversity of a particular individual(s) in order to provide the best cast of care.As a social worker, it is important to allow the clientsâۉ„¢ to assess their social situation and their adroitness to promote change while assisting them by devising a plan which is evidential to the clientsâۉ„¢ individual needs. Another core value expressed by the NASW is the importance of gracious relationships. All citizenry rely on other individuals for acceptance and as a support system when going through difficult times, or when having to make important decisions.As humans, we look for that support from other, therefore, social workers take the idea of other mess being important factors to the healing, or helping, process of an individual(s). Social workers bugger off realized the importance of exploitation stronger relationships among people to create a positive outcome and forceen the eudaimonia of individuals, families, social groups, organizations, as well as communities. The next core value, which I personally keep up eternally lived by in my own life, is integrity.A social worker should ceaselessly act in a authentic manner in all situations and to always be aware of and remember the electric charge of the profession, the values expected to uphold, and those ethical principles and standards associated with the social work profession as a alone. They should continue to practice h starsty and be responsible of upholding those ethical practices within the organizations they are affiliated with. Competence is the final core value discussed.A social worker should have the knowledge, resourcefulness, and dexterity to perform the job correctly while always continuing to improve their area of competence as well as strengthen and improve their abilities as a social worker. There is always new knowledge available which nooky help improve your skills as a social worker. I believe it is the state of a good social worker to always be aware of any new information, theories, and research studies because there is always room for improvement and the more near and knowledgeable you are, the better work you skunk do to really help clients and edict as a whole.I would now like to take this opportunity to discuss social work on a skunks more personal level, as it subject matter to me. When I first began high direct, I knew without a doubt that this type of work was what I wanted to do and what I wanted to major in when I went to college. I began with psychological science because I was intrigued by questions such as wherefore we believe the way we do, or what makes one person turn out this way or think a certain way while the next person can behave completely different. The human card and how it functioned, in general, was something I was completely fascinate by.And I still love psychology and e genuinelything close it, however, throughtout the years, I discovered my indignation for wanting(p) to help people in whatever way I could. Although my work experience included many a(prenominal) very different types of work, I noticed one commonality between them all which was interacting with people, and helping people in some form or another, and it was something I really love doing and was remarkably good at it as well. Helping someone who was upset or angry and seeing them walk away with a smile and a whole new attitude do my day.In fact, I will find myself shopping in Wal-Mart and end up helping a complete stranger locate something they were flavour for or even assist them in choosing which gift to purchase for a love one. I realized that helping people just comes naturally to me. Even in my personal life, I was always the honest, trustworthy, and care friend that my friends would come to when they needed help. My stage is that my own morals, values, and beliefs which I live by and grew up with go hand in hand with those six core values every social worker should possess.This is why I decided that returning to tutor to obtain my ascertainâۉ„¢s in social work was a ofttimes better fit for me that simply receiving a masterâۉ„¢s in psychology. A career in social work is exactly what I would love doing for a living. When it came time to choose a c oncentration, I had to make a choice between mental health and family and children services. I once again looked at my own life. I have always had an interest in all areas of mental health. I have seen family members fighting addiction.I personally fought with anxiety, panic attacks, and notion after my son passed away from sudden infant death syndrome the day he made iii months old as well as my battle with ADD when I was a child. When I was a teenager, I became very close to this wonderful family whose youngest daughter had been diagnosed with complicate syndrome. Her name was Amy and although we were the same age, her menta lity was that of rough a ten year old. Amy and I became very close and spent a lot of time together for many years.We would go to all sorts of things together moreover quite often we would attend events where there would be many other children and adults with a variety of mental disabilities. I was successful enough to meet many of these individuals and their families as well and acquire a lot about the many different mental handicaps. These opportunities increased my knowledge and curiosity as well. Therefore, due to my own life experiences, I have decided to concentrate in mental health. As an undergraduate at Southeastern Louisiana University, I learned a lot as farthermost as my academic capabilities.Throughout high school, I never had to actually direct or even really try very hard at all to prevent honor roll and stay in Beta Club so it took me awhile to adjust once I started college. I had to learn the best way for me to study and manage my time. Another hard lesson wh ich I wish I would have picked up on much sooner was just how important those âہ"Aâۉ„¢sâ€Â were to my grade point average. Although I figured it all out, my regret was that if I would have learned just a bit sooner my final GPA of 2. 895 would have been much, much higher!My strength academically is my love of knowledge and education new things. I just can never get enough of that. I am so excited about the opportunity to attend USC to obtain my masterâۉ„¢s in social work. aft(prenominal) speaking with a few people who told just how great of a school I would be attending made me even more confident that I made the just decision when choosing which online university to attend. I know I made the right choice for my future and am look forward to not only opening my classes but also knowing that this is the beginning of the career I have been wanting for some time now.\r\n'

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